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Get Involved


The Bee Industry Council of Western Australia is the peak body leading a vibrant, dynamic, diverse and profitable bee industry in WA. Our mandate is to provide support to the WA bee industry, producers and aligned organisations in the development of their Industry via leadership, advocacy and active participation in education, policy and planning. 


BICWA was established in 2015 by members of the WA Apiarists Society (WAAS), WA Beekeepers Association (WABA) and WA Farmers’ Beekeepers Section. However, the membership was limited to organisations and associations rather than individuals. This has now been changed, and starting in 2022, BICWA can welcome individuals, organisations, and associations to become members of Industry. 

Membership Categories:

Membership Applicaton




$0 / year


Fee paid to Agriculture Producers Commission and / or Department for Primary Industry and Development (DPIRD)  


A Beekeeper Member is a person, which pays a fee for service charge to the APC or /and pays a hive brand registration fee to DPIRD.



1 vote for DPIRD hive brand 

1 vote for each registered hive with *APC


eligible to vote on directors election and member decisions

Alliance Partner



$1,000 + GST / year

not for profit organisations


$2,000 + GST / year

for profit organisations 



A Alliance Partner Member has a commercial interest in beekeeping or associated agricultural industries, including industry organisations, packers and research organisations. 



1 vote on member decisions



not eligible to vote on director elections 

Friend of BICWA



$60 + GST / year



A Friend of BICWA membership is available to anyone interested or associated with beekeeping or other agricultural industries and support BICWAs activities.




1 vote on member decisions



not eligible to vote on director elections 

You can also print the application and send the completed form to: BICWA, PO BOX 1105, Bentley DC 6983




As a beekeeper member, you will have to provide your unique Agricultural Producers Commission Identification Number (APC ID no), to identify you as an eligible voting member. You find this number on your most recent APC Statement


If you haven't registered with DPIRD or the APC yet please find the forms and requirements here.


Benefits of Membership


Members of BICWA will be part of a growing community, invited to connect and shape the future of a small industry with big impact and be eligible for financial rewards for Industry organised events. 


Key member benefits are: 


Visibility; members of BICWA become more visible in the Industry, better connected and gain access to collaborative opportunities. 


Influence; members formalise their status as a BICWA stakeholder with input and the ability to advocate for their interests. 


Opportunity; Members receive priority access to BICWA organised programs, Conferences and events. 


Support; members enjoy the support of the BICWA team connecting them to industry opportunities. 


Networking; membership provides access to agricultural leaders and stakeholders in the Industry. 



How to join BICWA 


There are three classes of membership to BICWA. Memberships must be approved by the BICWA board directors at the next available meeting and follow a formal process. 


Step 1 – Enquire

Get familiar with BICWAs objectives and resolve which membership you fall into. 


Step 2 – Apply

No membership will be considered without Step 1.

Complete the online application or print the form and return the complete document to

Once lodged, you will receive confirmation and further details to finalise the application. 



BICWA Constitution and Objects 


The not-for-profit objects for which the company has been established are to foster, promote and enhance a sustainable bee industry in Western Australia and to protect the interests of producers and co-dependent industries and organisations. To see the full list, click on the link: BICWA Constitution, Rule 6. Objects, including 6.1 – 6.20.


All applications wish to become a member of BICWA agree to comply with the company's Constitution and support the Objects, Rule 6. 



Approval Process


The BICWA directors consider each membership application at a regular board meeting, usually held monthly.


Once the board directors approve an application, the secretary must as soon as possible enter the new member on the register of members and the applicant will commence membership on the date of such registration. The secretary notifies the applicant of acceptance and the membership commencement date, together with the request for payment (if applicable).


Membership approval is not automatic and according to Rule 13.5 of the BICWA Constitution:

If the directors reject the application the secretary must write to the applicant as soon as possible advising that the application has been rejected but is not required to provide reasons.


Voluntary Contribution Process


BICWA Board Members have a passion for growing the beekeeping industry to open up opportunities for its members and to have a positive impact on the environment.  If you are interested in helping us along that journey to raise funds toward growing the industry and able to direct some additional funds towards our goals then all you need to do is click here and nominate your contribution. 


We also welcome you to make contact with us if you have any skills and/or time to help our volunteers in achieving a goal or two along the way. 

Voluntary Contribution (Financial)

Voluntary Time/Skills (based on your available time)


Voluntary Contribution Process
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