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2nd Varroa Mite Detection Confirmed in Victoria


AHBIC Industry Update 63

1 Nov 2024

Agriculture Victoria has confirmed a second detection of Varroa mite at Hattah, Victoria. The infested hives were reported by a beekeeper. Agriculture Victoria undertook surveillance activities on the hives and confirmed the presence of Varroa mite. Agriculture Victoria remains committed to the National Varroa Mite Transition to Management Plan.

Varroa Development Officers (VDO’s), under the National Transition to Management program based in Victoria, have been onsite and continue working with the affected beekeeper to provide guidance on monitoring and managing Varroa mites.

Beekeepers in Victoria are urged to check their hives and to report suspected cases of Varroa mite to the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881.

All Victorian beekeepers are encouraged to record all hive movements and inspections, and the results of mite testing via BeeMAX.

Varroa information for Victorian Beekeepers

Victorian registered beekeepers will be updated through direct emails from Agriculture Victoria and can seek information by visiting the Agriculture Victoria website:

As part of the Transition to Management Program, Varroa Development Officers (VDO) are already employed and working in Victoria, the main aim of VDO’s is to provide hands-on beekeeping support directly to beekeeping industry.

Beekeepers in Victoria can reach out for support from VDO’s by emailing or by calling: 1800 958 485

Webinar 5 National Transition to Management

17 September 2024

Another successful online Webinar was hosted by AHBIC and the National T2M Program team on 17 September.

NSW DPIRD Bee Biosecurity Officer, Rod Bourke presented on the importance of monitoring and surveillance, focusing on technique and finding Varroa early followed by a live Q&A.

Jump in and watch the recording if you missed it, there were some great details with some really engaging audience questions. Click here to watch the webinar:

Transition to Management has a Website

Beekeepers looking for detailed information on the activities of the National Varroa Management Program should jump over to view the new national website.

Detailed information has been created to support both beekeepers and the wider community on Varroa and its impacts in one easy-to-reach place.

  • Monitoring and Surveillance

  • Reporting varroa results – all states & territories

  • Getting in contact – Varroa Development Officers

  • Finding a Training Workshop near you

  • Varroa Management

You can reach out to AHBIC via: 

National Varroa Mite Coordinator

Bianca Giggins

0402 467 780

Disclosure: AHBIC, its employees, executive and consultants expressly disclaim all and any liability to any person in respect of anything, and the consequences of anything, done or omitted to be done in reliance, whether wholly, partly, upon the whole or any part of the contents of this industry update document.



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