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Last chance to have your say


23 June 2023 / DPIRD source

Comment on the opportunities for reform ends 30 JUNE 2023

The independent panel reviewing the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) would like to thank you for your interest in the review so far.

As you know, the BAM Act is one of WA’s most important pieces of legislation as it provides the means to address harmful pests and diseases that can affect Western Australia's industries, the environment and our lifestyle.

The panel has heard from as many people and groups as possible from all parts of WA to understand how the BAM Act could be improved for our State.

It has also looked at how other states in Australia have improved their biosecurity legislation over time.

As the panel nears the end of its review, it wants to hear from you once more.

You’re invited to have your say on the opportunities for reform identified by the panel.

The Stage 3 comment period is now open and runs until 5pm Friday 30 June 2023.

To have your say:

  1. Download and read the Stage 3 discussion paper from the YourSay website.

  2. Provide your thoughts on the reform areas in the discussion paper by completing the online survey.

This is the third and final chance for you to participate in the review before the independent panel delivers its report to the Minister for Agriculture and Food later this year.

It's also the most important stage as it builds on everything the panel has heard in discussions and workshops over the past 10 months, and the panel’s own research.

Go to the YourSay website to access the Stage 3 discussion paper and provide your views by 5pm Friday 30 June 2023.

The panel thanks you for your contributions and looks forward to hearing from you again during Stage 3 of the review.

Need more information? Email: Call: 08 9690 2000 Postal address: BAMA Review Panel c/- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development PO Box 483 NORTHAM WA 6401



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