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Reminder: BEE Pest Blitz - Check your hives for Varroa and report your findings in April


DPIRD update 20 April 2023

Dear Western Australian Beekeeper,

With only 10 days left, this is a gentle reminder to join the Bee Pest Blitz before the end of April.

Simply check one or more of your hives for Varroa (using an alcohol washing, sugar shaking, or drone uncapping technique) and report your findings – even if you don’t find mites – using our online form

We wish to thank the beekeepers who have already reported their Varroa surveillance – you are the champions of the WA bee industry!

So far, less than 10% of WA beekeepers have reported their mite surveillance.

Regardless of whether you have 1 or 1,000 hives, you play a crucial role in protecting our industry.

Please help us safeguard the WA beekeeping industry by checking a hive and reporting your findings before the end of the month.

If you need further encouragement, this weekend’s weather forecast is looking bee-autiful for most of WA… 😊

Where can I find more information or training?

In July/August 2023, the department will run WA Beekeeper Emergency Response training, which will upskill beekeepers in relevant surveillance methods and biosecurity emergency response procedures for exotic bee pests, i.e. Varroa. To sign up for the Beekeeping Emergency Response (WA Hive Heroes) Training, with your full name, beekeeping brand, and contact details.

For more information about the national campaign and mite surveillance methods (alcohol washing, sugar shaking, and drone uncapping) based on current best practice, visit the Bee Pest Blitz website and the BeeAware’sSurveillance for exotic pests webpage.

For more information about beekeeping and reporting apiary pests in WA, visit the department’s webpages for Bees or Reporting bee pests and surveillance.



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