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Report Sightings of Red Dwarf Honey Bee


10 July 2023

The Bee Industry Council of Western Australia (BICWA) is issuing a statement regarding the recent discovery of a red dwarf honey bee colony on the Burrup Peninsula near Karratha.

BICWA supports the efforts undertaken by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) in mitigating the risk and ensuring the safety of the region.

Brendon Fewster, Chair of BICWA, urgently calls upon Pilbara residents and workers to take action and report any sightings of exotic bees to the national Exotic Plant Pest Hotline at 1800 084 881 or through DPIRD's MyPestGuideReporter®.

BICWA acknowledges the professionalism of DPIRD and the industry's collective trust in their measures to combat the incursion.

Continuous surveillance and control efforts are underway to prevent the presence of further red dwarf honey bees in the area.

BICWA advises the public to be vigilant and report any sightings promptly, as exotic bee incursions can have significant implications for the beekeeping industry and the overall ecosystem.

For further information and updates on the red dwarf honey bee incursion, please visit the BICWA webpage at


Stay informed and join us in safeguarding Western Australia's beekeeping industry and the environment.


1 Comment

Eduard Planken
Eduard Planken
Jul 13, 2023

I have posted this up on the West Australian Retreat and Galaxy Facebook group as caravaner's travel far and wide. If BICWA can get this on other caravan groups it helps spread the word and have many eyes looking up north!!

Regards Eduard Planken - former CEO of Wescobee Honey and current independent industry and beekeeper marketing consultant

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