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Seeking Public Input: Review of Alcoa's Mining in Jarrah Forest by WA Environmental Authority (EPA)


Date: 10 August 2023

The Western Australia Environmental Authority (EPA) is seeking public input on whether it should conduct an independent review of Alcoa's 60-year mining operations in the Jarrah Forest.

Alcoa's mining actions have attracted significant public attention this year due to the potential threat its mining activities pose to the water supply dams serving Perth.

Additionally, the company has faced criticism for its inability to fulfil the obligation of rehabilitating the 280 square kilometres of Jarrah Forest it has already cleared.

In February, the environmental group WA Forest Alliance directed focus to the issue by notifying the WA Environment Protection Authority (EPA).

The EPA has now extended an invitation to the public, allowing them until August 15 to provide their input on whether the authority should initiate an assessment.

BICWA Chair, Brendon Fewster, encourages beekeepers to submit a request for an independent review into the safeguarding of our Jarrah Forests.

The Jarrah tree stands as a symbol of Western Australia, celebrated not only for its forest ecological distinctiveness but also for the exceptional quality of its honey - renowned both nationally and internationally for its remarkable high bioactivity and flavour.

The WA Forest Alliance provided a comprehensive guide to assist you with your submission.

We encourage you to review this guide and ensure your voice is heard. This is a rare opportunity to support the future of our forests and high-value honey production!

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