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Varroa Mite Detection Confirmed in Victoria

AHBIC Industry Update - 62

15. August 2024

Varroa mites have been confirmed within Victoria.

As a result of routine strip and mat surveillance by the Agriculture Victoria Apiary Compliance team, a single hive has returned a positive sticky mat with a very low level of mites.

The location of the infected premise is at a property in Nangiloc near Mildura.

Agriculture Victoria have begun to work directly with the affected, and surrounding apiarists involved and will provide ongoing support and updates over the coming days.

This extremely low-level detection should not cause alarm among beekeepers in the area.

Beekeepers in the area should continue routine surveillance for the presence of mites in their hives and only act if above threshold levels.

It is unlikely this low-level detection will result in a large spreading event in the Mildura area.

Agriculture Victoria have reaffirmed to industry that they will not euthanise any hives nor try to eradicate varroa from the state.

Varroa information for Victorian Beekeepers

Victorian registered beekeepers will be updated through direct emails form Agriculture Victoria and can seek information by visiting Agriculture Victoria website:

Varroa Development Officers in Victoria

As part of the Transition to Management Program, Varroa Development Officers (VDO) are already employed and working in Victoria, the main aim of VDO’s is to provide hands on beekeeping support directly to beekeeping industry.

Beekeepers in Victoria can reach out for support from VDO’s by emailing or by calling: 1800 958 485

Looking after yourself and others

Importantly, details of this new detection may impact peoples mental and emotional wellbeing.

In times such as this, beekeepers are encouraged to look after themselves and each other.

If at any time you are worried about your mental health or the mental health of a friend or loved one, call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or contact:

  • your doctor, local community health centre

  • Parentline 13 22 89 or the Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

  • Nurse-On-Call 1300 60 60 24 – for expert health information and advice (24 hours, 7 days)

  • Australian Psychological Society Referral Service 1800 333 497

For information about trauma and things you can do to cope with and recover from traumatic events, visit the Better Health Channel:

  • Trauma reactions and recovery

  • Trauma and families

  • Post-traumatic stress

Webinar 4 National

Transition to Management 30 July 2024

Another successful online Webinar was hosted by AHBIC and the National T2M Program team on 30 July, delivering detailed presentations from Victoria, South Australia and Queensland apiary teams on interstate requirements followed by an informative number of case studies from the field in NSW by the NSW Extension Coordinator and of course a live Q&A.

Jump in and watch the recording if you missed it, there were some great details with some really engaging audience questions.

  • ­Agriculture Victoria – Nikki Jones ­

  • Primary Industries and Regions South Australia – Adrian Harvey ­

  • Biosecurity Queensland – Robert Stephens ­

  • T2M Program NSW Extension Coordinator – Dave Fairhall

Click here to watch the webinar:

You can reach out to AHBIC via: 

National Varroa Mite Coordinator

Bianca Giggins

0402 467 780

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